A certain amount of unpredictability is to be expected with any free market commodity. It is exactly this unpredictability that enables businesses, or even individuals, to make quick profits or losses and potentially secure market beating pricing. Events late in the first decade of the new millennium saw prices for commercial gas and electricity see new unprecedented highs followed shortly by fairly significant price drops.
Any business will have seen these large variances impacting their cash flow, doubtless, some will have fared better than others due to the overall strength of their business but few could claim to have been ahead of the game in managing these costs.
With the benefit of hindsight, the chaos in the global economy that begin late in 2008 could probably have been foreseen but conversely, nobody fully understands what the long term impacts will be. Some markets appear to have rapidly resumed business as usual whilst others continue to languish in challenging trading conditions.
Commercial electricity prices are heavily influenced by oil and gas prices, both of which suffered the huge drop in value in 2008 that has gradually stabilised. In order to secure competitive pricing for commercial gas and electricity, currently it is more important than ever to have a grasp of how the markets are evolving. Are the recent price drops likely to continue or are they likely to be quickly reversed to the benefit of the wholesalers and producers?
Many businesses simply lack the expert knowledge of such a specialist market. Despite the fact commercial gas and electricity are such a significant cost; there are limitations on your capacity to manage these costs. At Online Energy, our specialisation in these markets assists businesses of all sizes to secure the best available pricing and contract for their needs. This may be competitive flexible rates or long term fixed pricing.
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