There are many brands of pet foods on the market and it can be a daunting task deciding how to look after your new bundle of fur that is going to be at your side for the rest of his life.
The foods that are available vary. There is semi dried food, tinned foods that can be mixed with dry food, home made food and a pet diet that consists of completely dry food.
Each pet diet will have its own different qualities, but fortunately manufacturers have labelled their packaging to show which one is suitable for a puppy, adult dog or a senior dog.
When you feed your puppy or adult dog, the best pet diet is one that your pet finds easy to digest; you will know whether or not you are feeding your pet food that is correct for him when he goes to the toilet.
If a pet has wind or lightly coloured stools then his digestive system is suffering. The good news is your vet will be able to treat him and give you more advice on essential dog nutrition.
To maintain good dog nutrition, try to choose a premium pet food for his pet diet. Changing his old diet for new one over a few days by mixing the two pet foods together until the change is complete.
Cheaper brands of pet food have cheaper cuts of meat in their ingredients; they look to be the same as more costly products, but feeding your dog with cheap pet food is not going to give your puppy or adult dog the strong and healthy bones and muscles he requires to ensure he leads a long and healthy life.
At Hills Pets we offer online a wide range of quality formulated pet food for puppies, adult and senior dogs.
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