In poker, many players attempt to ‘read’ the hands of their opponents to see if they are bluffing or not and to win casino jackpots. A better way to do this would be calculate the odds on the outcome.
Here are some tips on how to calculate the pot odds in poker:
1. Firstly, divide the number of cards remaining in the deck by your number of ‘outs’. Outs is a poker term referring to your ability to make a winning hand.
2. Subtract 1 from the number of cards left in the deck.
3. Figure out if there are at least those many multiples of your bet in your pot. Once you have subtracted 1, the number remaining be a third of the value of the pot.
4. Re-evaluate where you stand after the flop. In poker, you must constantly know where you stand. Once the flop has been revealed, check once again how many outs you have. An example would be if you have 4 spades, leaving you with 9 unseen spades. This is your number of outs to make a flush. These can also be combined with other outs like forming a straight. Simply add the two number together.
5. Now multiply that by 4. The answer is the percentage that you will make your flush.
6. Redo this math after the ‘turn’ card has been revealed. See how many outs you now have and then multiply that number by 2. The answer is the percentage of the chance you will get your desired hand.
7. Go with your gut. Even though math does not lie, it should be noted that most of the time, winning players go with their gut more than anything else. Go with your gut and have fun while playing online poker.
Author bio
This article was written for Piggs Peak Casino and offers tips on how to calculate pot odds in poker and win casino jackpots.