If you’ve been acquainted with the lending industry, you must be aware of the fact that title loans are offered in lieu of cars, motorcycles, recreational vehicles and boats and it goes without mentioning that the business can be extremely lucrative. When the owners of vehicles are in dire need of cash, one way they take resort to is by borrowing a sum of money against the title of their car. Keeping in mind the interest rate that is charged by the lender, this business can be an indeed lucrative one. [Read more…] about Jumpstarting Into A Title Loan Business – Few Key Essentials You Should Take Note Of
Finance & Career
What is Credit Counselling?
When people get into debt, and interest payments make paying bills off difficult, it’s time to ask for help. There are programs and services available, one of the most effective is credit counselling.
In Canada, there are many non profit credit counselling options. Many people ask how does credit counselling work in Canada? It starts with a phone call and a free appointment with an accredited credit counsellor, who will review all of your income, expenses and debts. She will help you build a budget and determine how much you have to pay down your debts.
If you don’t have enough money in your budget to keep up with you debt payments, she can offer you what is called a debt management program (DMP), also known as a debt consolidation program. The counsellor will contact all of your creditors, who most often will reduce the interest rate to 0%. Now that you are only responsible for the principle and not the interest, it’s easier to make the payments and eliminate your debt.
If you do start a DMP, you won’t be able to have credit cards or any other forms of credit for 2 years after your last payment, or 6 years, whichever is shorter. But once you are done, all of your debts will be paid off and you can qualify for credit again. Almost everyone who works with a non profit credit counselling agency learns how to stay out of debt, for good.
The best part is, credit counselling is private. Once you have completed your credit counselling program, there is no record of you using the service, which can’t be said for filing a consumer proposal or bankruptcy. With those, there is a permanent record listed with the Government of Canada. That is one of the positive consequences of credit counseling services.
The longest serving credit counselling agency is Credit Canada Debt Solutions. It has been helping people get rid of debt for more than 50 years. If you want help with debt, call them at 1-800-267-2272 and speak to a counsellor today.
Do You Need Long-Term Care Insurance?
For the aging population, planning for long term care prices becomes more urgent each day. However, the insurance which helps cover those prices is soaring in cost, while the advantages have become less and less appealing. [Read more…] about Do You Need Long-Term Care Insurance?
From Paper To Paperless, Instant Money Transfer Is The New Thing
There has been a lot of innovation in money transfer. Transferring money internationally has never been easier. With the ever growing technology and the all the exciting innovation in money transfer along with simplicity and ease of access, the days of sending paper money and checks that took ages to reach their destinations and then took several more days to be processed by the banks are gone now. Innovation in money transfer has changed banking, with banking systems already at their top performance in developed countries but other countries are catching up with these systems too. The process of money transfer has never been easier. [Read more…] about From Paper To Paperless, Instant Money Transfer Is The New Thing
Finding Travel &Holiday Insurance
If you are planning to go on holiday, do not forget to buy yourself some good quality travel & holiday insurance. Resist the temptation to go on holiday without proper cover.
Every year hundreds of people do so and end up regretting doing so. In the worst cases, they end up having to pay out thousands of pounds to get themselves repatriated because they have fallen ill on holiday.