It’s Monday morning and you have hit the snooze button on the alarm five times which means it’s too late to take a shower and if you don’t get out of bed now, you’ll also miss your ride. So you roll out of your sleep, grab a clean shirt and look for your backpack. It’s in the kitchen and while you are there you grab the orange juice carton out of the fridge but it looks like your brother beat you to it and it’s empty. You can hear your ride honking outside and you quickly check yourself in the mirror before you leave. Hair undone, sleep wrinkles still on your cheek, mismatched socks and probably a million and one things forgotten. The day just started and you are already exhausted from the effort of getting out of bed.
You have two classes this morning before you make it to lunch and then, another torturous class before swim practice. You’ve done this routine many times before and you tell yourself that this is just another day. In your first class you realize you didn’t do the assignment and while everyone does corrections, you space out and doodle on your notebook, chin in hand, and still dreaming about sleep. You keep yawning and everyone’s liveliness so early in the morning is annoying. The girl in front of you keeps turning around to say something in her irritating voice, she comments about the sleep creases on your cheek and you just give her a blank stare. She doesn’t say it, but she’s the type who would say something like “Looks like somebody’s got a case of the Mondays” with a huge grin. No one should have to put up with her on Monday morning. It’s exhausting just to listen to her nasally voice and you wish you never got out of bed. But luckily things will get better during your second class, mostly because she won’t be there to annoy you.
In your next class the teacher is funny, your best friend sits behind you and you don’t mind the assignments because it’s something you are good at. Unfortunately the teacher isn’t there today and you have a substitute who is subjecting the class to watching a documentary film from the eighties. And of course because she’s a substitute, she’s making everyone take a page of notes, ruining your plan to catch up on some sleep. Your best friend keeps whispering things about the substitute–how her breasts look crooked and maybe she’s one of those people with three nipples–and you try your hardest to ignore him to keep from laughing out loud. Turns out the documentary is so boring and full of useless information that you manage to take a page of notes in the first 10 minutes. You put your head on the desk, and have a dream about your alarm going off and reaching for the snooze button but your best friend wakes you up because the lunch bell has rang.
book report
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