When weighing up your debt solution options and deciding which will be best suited to your financial circumstances, it is also worth considering the effect that each alternative will have on your credit rating. After all, the ability to secure credit at a reasonable rate of interest is important, particularly to those who have faced severe debt problems and overcome them with the right debt solution. As your credit rating is used to gauge your eligibility for things like loans and credit cards, right up to mortgages, they have a massive impact on our lives. The effect of a debt solution on your credit rating should therefore be an important part of the decision making process. [Read more…] about Will Debt Consolidation Damage My Credit Rating?
Things to consider when you’re buying a electronic keyboard
So you have been thinking of getting an electronic keyboard for the last couple of weeks or months. Perhaps you promised yourself you’ll learn to play an instrument back at the beginning of 2010. Or perhaps you’re keen to reacquaint yourself with some culture after a decade of listening to popular music. [Read more…] about Things to consider when you’re buying a electronic keyboard
Britain’s Debt Consolidation
The economic forecast that emerged from Brussels this week predicted that debt will actually account for a staggering 90% of the British economy by the end of next year. Our deficit is expected to be the highest in Europe, at an estimated 12% of the UK’s GDP too. The EU’s Economic and Monetary Affairs Commissioner, Olli Rehn said, “The first thing a new government has got to do is to agree a convincing and detailed programme of debt consolidation.” Well, it does work for a lot of British consumers. [Read more…] about Britain’s Debt Consolidation
What’s The Best Debt Solution?
Everyone’s financial circumstances are different. Even for those people who find they are facing the burden of mounting debt, the factors that lead them into this situation are personal. The issues may not be unique to them but there is no one size fits all debt solution. Experienced debt advisors will be able to recognise which solutions on the UK market are best suited to your circumstances but there is no hard and fast rule; every debt problem must be judged on its own merit. [Read more…] about What’s The Best Debt Solution?
How A Debt Management Plan Can Help You
No debt solution is right for everyone. The circumstances that resulted in your present debt problem may not be unique but they are personal to your situation. With this in mind, the solution to your debt problem must also be tailored to your situation. The first step in tackling your debt is to get help and advice from a dedicated professional. They’ll be able to help you decide on the right solution to suit your circumstances. [Read more…] about How A Debt Management Plan Can Help You