Every business is under pressure to deliver more with fewer resources. Some how you have to keep on doing your job with less and less help. So anything that helps cut down on administration time is a real bonus. Managing a fleet can be incredibly time consuming. Just processing the expenses that drivers run up in the course of every month can be a real headache. Especially if they are all using their own individual credit cards. At the end of each month you get an expense claim and a mountain of receipts to sift through. It’s slow, time consuming and frustrating for everyone involved. Not to mention costly as well. Not only in terms of your time sorting it out each month, but also because you aren’t using the size of your fleet to get a good deal on fuel. Because each individual driver is doing their own thing. Maybe it’s time to abandon the use of individual credit cards and start using a fleet card scheme.
You see with a fuel card you cut all the paperwork and hassle out of the expenses process in one go. You just end up with one centralised account that is easy to manage and settle up each month. Plus it allows you to get a better deal on petrol and diesel as your drivers essentially join forces so to speak with one centralised expenses account.
So how does a fleet card scheme work? Each driver is issued with a card that is registered to his or her vehicle. A fuel card can be fuel only or you can allow purchases in the services and garage shop for extras like car accessories or food. You can put limits on like spend, or use on weekdays only. Whichever you look at it you have total control to prevent the system being abused. The savings both in terms of finance and administration time are huge.
Using these cards saves time and money. I like what you said that Managing a fleet can be incredibly time consuming, and a fuel card can be fuel only or you can allow purchases in the services and garage shop for extras like car accessories or food. This article deferentially going to help all the reader. Keep Posting!!