There are ways of finding great deals for cheap classic car insurance. You may think that you will only find expensive quote if you use specialist insurers, however you are more likely to find a great deal by choosing these insurers over run of the mill companies. [Read more…] about Find the Best Deals and Cheap Classic Car Insurance
Equity Release
When you reach retirement age it can be tough to work out your finances and how you are going to manage. If you aren’t bringing in a wage then it can be difficult to know how you are going to afford to live, let alone afford luxuries and enjoy your retirement.
Debt crisis caused by unpaid leave
Living in Lancashire makes you very aware of the importance of British Aerospace to thousands of families locally. Many of the jobs at British Aerospace have been under threat for many months, so I was interested to read this week that it has been suggested that some of the jobs that are likely to disappear could be saved if a certain number of workers agreed to take unpaid leave.
How mortgages can cause debts
If you’ve been reading the headlines lately, you might have seen that the RBS-NatWest group have increased their rate of interest on mortgages, with other lenders likely to follow suit. [Read more…] about How mortgages can cause debts
Help with debt leading to Easter
Easter is looming and we all know what that means – chocolate, Easter bunnies, frolicking lambs and that dreaded phrase – the one that should be banned – nest eggs.