Shopper behaviour is changing.And retailer and manufacturers have to adapt the way they market products in response to this.Whereas for a long time people would use shopping lists and stick to them.Basically they would leave the house with a set idea of what they would buy.Now this has totally changed. More and more decisions are made on the fly.At the point of sale.Which means in store promotions and merchandising is extremely important.
Shoppers act as a gateway to consumers. If one shopper switches brand, on average four consumers are lost. Why? Because shoppers make decisions on behalf of consumers. The store itself is another promotional medium and is increasingly a battleground between competing brands.
Getting noticed takes a great retail display. And to get this right takes expert help, from Barber Design Consultancy. They help brands get their point of sale display right to help boost sales, encourage impulse buys and get shoppers to switch products.
Think about it for a moment. All the consumer marketing in the world counts for nothing if a shopper can’t find the product in store or it is crowded out by competing brands. In store marketing has to be effective otherwise vital opportunities for conversion are missed. Retail display matters more than ever. No brand can afford to ignore the changes in shopper behaviour.
Traditional advertising is less and less effective also. Media channels are fragmented and shoppers are harder to reach than ever. So point of sale display is key in getting brand messages across.
With the help and support of the Barber Design Consultancy companies can raise the visibility of their brands and messages in store. By understanding what inspires and frustrates shoppers at the point of purchase, the retail experience can be redesigned to be more shopper centric. Which is a win win situation for manufacturers and retailers alike.