Some people manage to live their entire lives completely debt free. These are probably some of the happiest people you will meet. And while being completely debt free may seem like a far-fetched dream, there are people who can control their finances and live their lives without falling into debt.
So what separates these financially savvy people from us lesser mortals? And why are people earning average salaries managing to comfortably make ends meet, while some of the richest people are simply scraping by, or even filing for bankruptcy?
Here we offer some debt help to the financially inept. These are some characteristics you can implement to become financially free.
1. Be detail-orientated
People who are doing well financially do not always earn the most money – they simply know how to work with the money they have. These people pay close attention to their finances; they know how much they earn and how much they can spend. They keep track on where their money goes. Because they have a good handle on their finances, they are less likely to spend money on something they cannot afford.
2. Look towards the future
Financially savvy people realise that, in most cases, sacrificing your future potential is not worth instant gratification. In other words, having a financially prosperous future is more important than buying that fancy new car today and struggle to pay it off.
3. Be pragmatic
Debt free people are often pragmatic people. Because of this, they understand the value of money and life. These pragmatic people will understand that a car is needed to get you from point A to point B, so buying the most expensive, luxurious car is not only impractical, but financial disastrous as well.
4. Be self-reliant
Self-reliance is a good character trait to have. Always make sure that you live within your means, and save your money for a rainy day. Forget about keeping up with the Joneses.
5. Forget about your shopping addiction
Shopping addiction is one of those things that many people are guilty of. While not physically destructive like drug or alcohol addiction, a shopping addiction can lead to financial turmoil. As long as you are addicted to shopping, you will never be debt free.
6. Be patient
People who are debt free are not impulsive, impatient shoppers. They are not looking for an instant kick from buying an expensive item. If it is not in the budget, they save and wait until they have the money to afford it.
7. Have self confidence
Financially comfortable people do not let their self worth be determined by their possessions. They do not let people pressurise them into maintaining a certain type of lifestyle. Truthfully, your status in life is more accurately determined by your self confidence than by your dubious displays of wealth.
8. Respect your credit cards
Financially responsible people are not scared of their credit cards. They use it when they want, but understand that this should not be abused. They understand both the value and the detrimental effects of credit cards. This results in them not having to seek debt help.
9. Take personal responsibility
Stop making excuses for your bad debt situation! Financially secure people understand where they can go wrong, and when they do, they make plans to deal with it. They understand that they have no one to blame but themselves.
10. Stop being materialistic
The pursuit of happiness does not end at expensive toys and materialistic possessions. Most people want to live a luxurious lifestyle, but they forget the costs involved. Most people who do not require debt help know that there is more to happiness than an abundance of material possessions.
If you apply or some of these characteristics to your life, you will not be facing financial problems resulting in professional debt help. Follow these tips and you could be looking towards a debt free future.
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This article was written for Debtsolver and offers debt help.