Many of us have great memories from our childhood. Some of these memories include pyjamas parties from when we were much younger. We had so much fun back in the day when things were bigger, we were smaller, and we didn’t have to worry about pacemakers and our cheque accounts that are overdrawn.
Our mothers organised these parties, though we also sometimes took charge and invited everyone around to a pyjama or slumber party. We took care to wear only our freshest, prettiest and most flattering pyjamas, whether we preferred pants or nightshirts.
But now that we are older, wiser and richer, we have forgotten – for the most part – to have fun that does not involve some sort of intoxicant.
There are the occasional slumber parties that employees are expected to attend; however, these do not happen too frequently and not all companies feel these affairs contribute to the overall productivity of their employees.
The only alternative is to do something like this yours self. Round up a few of your best friends and re-introduce them to the concept of slumber parties that end in a round of pillow fights. Something like this is a good way to inject some sorely needed ‘funness’ into our lives, which sometimes feel rather monotonous.
Here are some ideas to make the pyjama party one of the ‘funnest’ events you’ll attend this year.
Have a theme
How about a vintage pyjama party where everyone dresses up in the stereotypical 1920s nightgowns? Something like this could be a great deal of fun, though there are also other themes that may be worthy of investigation.
Switch off the cellphones
Especially the Blackberries. We are all so wrapped up in the small things that we rarely, if ever, take a chance to get away from the constant interruptions life presents us with. The only things that should stay on are the television, DVD player and whichever music player will provide entertainment for the evening. Use this opportunity to just relax with friends and to laugh over silly things.
Plan activities that your guests will enjoy
Chick flicks aren’t de rigueur at pyjama parties, which generally tend to attract women and girls. They are certainly fun but there are other films worth seeing, too. Music is always a winner so spend some time compiling a list of songs that might turn the evening into an impromptu karaoke session.
Author bio:
The White Company wrote this article about how to throw a pyjama party for grownups.