As the number of potential hazards and accident-inducing risks are at their highest within a commercial property or industrial site, companies across the United Kingdom are within their duty to ensure all measures are taken to reduce the possibility of injury to all staff members, clients and customers.Both companies and employees have a legal obligation to ensure health and safety policies are in place and abided by; the former must provide all employees with sufficient training and provisions in order to carry out their line of work safely, while the latter must adhere to company protocol to ensure the safety and wellbeing of themselves and others around them are maintained in the workplace. As the potential penalties of not complying with government-controlled health and safety legislation can be detrimental from a financial and reputation perspective, companies are advised to acquire the services of health safety consultants to ensure they meet all regulations, or are not aware of what they entail. As SME’s (Small to Medium Enterprises) may not be able to afford employing a health and safety officer or manager, specialist consultants are on hand to provide advice and services which ensure such companies receive a cost-effective solution. The severity of danger within certain job roles, such as individuals who handle heavy machinery or work with dangerous chemicals, leads to strong suggestions by a consultant for companies to undertake a site supervisors safety training scheme to ensure at least one, if not all, staff member is qualified to overlook business operations.
Companies who have a minimum of five employees on their payroll are required by law within the United Kingdom to provide documentation which contains a health and safety policy, risk assessments and subsequent reviews of policies set. Ensuring access to qualified and credited health and safety advice, and proving that all managers and employees are trained in health and safety measures are the final components within a comprehensive service that consultant provide expert advice, support and solutions to ensure a company avoids a legal fine, jail sentences or public prosecutions. Consultants also provide SSSTS to ensure all companies meet legal requirements to run an efficient business that adheres to its obligation to provide quality within health and safety measures.